Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lindsey's Christmas Gift

Happy Christmas season everyone,
Many of you are already aware that yesterday Lindsey had her 3 hour MRI and that today she met with her Dr. who is her neurologist/oncologist.  I've had several inquiries of what has taken place this week so I'm here to give you an update.
Her MRI began around 6:45 am yesterday morning.  Typically, a normal length MRI has been challenging but add additional hours and also the contrast (injection dye) being added and we were worried it was going to seriousy tax Lindsey's system.  Mark and I went to the hospital around 8a and of course, Joshua was there waiting and within a few minutes Lindsey got to take a short break and she was doing great.  She had not taken her anti-nausea medication and didn't get sick all day following the test.  YAY!
Today, Wednesday, the 15th, Lindsey met with her Dr. this morning at 9a to get the results of the test.  She met with him for over an hour and 1/2 and Josh summed it up in a few short minutes (he's been sick) so there may be additional information that trickles down to me over the next few days and if so, then I'll send out an addendum to this email.  Her Dr. was absolutely AMAZED at Lindsey's physical abilities.  The fact that she had no more double vision, could walk on her own, had the amount of strength that she did, had gone off her anti-nausea meds and moved back home was stunning to him.  He said her progress was remarkable.  Now, the tumors are still there.  In fact, there is one that has increased in size, however, you can live with tumors in your body.  Some of us may already have these and be absolutely unaware of them and as long as they are nice little tumors that don't want to bother you then it's ok. Lindsey knows of a person who has 6 brain tumors and has had them for over 6 yrs and is doing alright because they are not growing. This is the case here.  Lindsey still has the tumors, however, they have shrunk significantly in size which is why she is doing so well physically.  As far as the one which in larger, he said that could be inflammation from the radiation.  She can live a relatively normal life if the tumors behave.  What we hope for is that the radiation has stunted the tumors and they will not grow anymore. 
What's next:
In 3 months she will have another MRI to see what is happening.  PLEASE keep your faith, prayers, love, light and whatever other good energy you are sending her way coming!  Her attitude towards life along with all our positive energy is making a difference.  Many of you have contributed to helping Josh and Lindsey out financially.  You have no idea what a difference this can make between the feelings of being overwhelmed and full of anxiety to looking forward with hope and happiness.
Many of us look for ways to bring the Christmas spirit back to the holiday.  You dont' have to go looking too far.  PLEASE visit the blog at or the For Lindsey facebook page and make a donation.  It's been surprising the openness of peoples hearts......  thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping.  Your love and generosity have helped ease a very painful and emotional situation.
We love you all.  We can't give up we must continue moving forward.  Please email or FB if you have any questions and again....THANK YOU AND MERRY CHRISTMAS.   We are looking forward to a beautiful 2011.
Mark and Julie Karr Family